How to Bulk to Increase Muscle Mass and Strength


“In general, bulking is increasing your calorie intake by more than your calories expending, to increase strength and muscle mass. You can do bulking by maintaining your food intake and choosing the right foods carefully.”

Bulking is a stage of muscle building that requires a person to consume more calories than normal for a certain period of time. Simply put, bulking is a way to control weight by increasing strength and muscle mass.

The body will utilize the extra calorie intake as fuel when building muscle mass. In fact, everyone’s calorie intake is not the same. This depends on many factors, such as age, intensity of physical activity, gender, and genetic conditions.

How to Bulk?

Generally, the average caloric intake of a bodybuilder during the bulking period is around 3,800 kcal daily for men. Meanwhile for women, the calorie requirement is around 3,200 kcal. The bulking period itself takes between 4 to 6 months.

One of the side effects of doing bulking is the accumulation of fat in the body due to excessive calories. This is why bulking that you don’t do properly only makes you gain weight. To prevent this from happening, you can do some of the following bulking tips.

1. Determine your calorie intake as needed

Actually, the point of building muscle mass is to increase your calorie intake even more than your daily needs. So, before starting, you should know how many daily calorie intake your body needs to maintain an ideal body weight. Next, add approximately 10-20 percent of the total requirement while you are bulking.

2. Bulking is not eating carelessly

Even though the goal of bulking is to gain weight, this doesn’t mean you can eat all kinds of food. It’s best if you avoid foods with low nutrition, for example foods with high levels of saturated fat, soft drinks, or processed foods.

Because, proper bulking requires you to manage your food intake with balanced nutrition. This is so that the nutrients that enter the body have benefits for organ performance and function.

3. Make sure the body gets enough food

Apart from not eating carelessly, you also need to make sure that the portion of your food intake is in accordance with the daily target that you set. Because, you can only do bulking if your body gets excess calorie intake. This means, you have to try to reach the daily calorie target that suits your needs while undergoing a bulking program.

4. Prioritize foods with carbohydrate content

Instead of increasing your high fat intake, it’s better for you to consume foods with carbohydrate content when undergoing a bulking program. This is because carbohydrates can help increase insulin levels after you do physical activity, thereby helping to distribute glycogen to the muscles.

When muscles store more glycogen, the body will experience hypersensitivity to insulin. This will reduce the risk of fat accumulation in the body.

Read More : Getting to Know Bulking and How to Do It Right

5. Consume adequate amounts of fiber

One of the most important nutrients when you are on a bulking program is fiber. This type of nutrition has a major role in making you feel full without having to overeat.

In addition, fiber is also good for keeping the digestive system healthy. However, you should not consume excessive fiber when bulking. You better combine it with fruit juice, supplements, or carbohydrates to get optimal results.

6. Choose the appropriate supplement

When undergoing this program, you are advised to take supplements. If you want to increase muscle mass and strength, D-Bal from Crazy Bulk is a supplement that has the benefit of increasing muscle mass and strength faster.

The composition of the ingredients contained in each D-Bal pill has been clinically proven safe to use because it is made from 100% natural ingredients.

Natural ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Hyaluronic Acid and MSM which are found in D-Bal supplements, make D-Bal a more powerful bulking supplement.

Even though there are many supplements on the market today, D-Bal is still the best supplement that many men use to achieve their bodybuilding goals in terms of increasing muscle mass and strength.

7. Bulking is arranging additional food schedules

Another thing that you shouldn’t miss when bulking is regulating food intake for the body. Instead, increase your intake of carbohydrates and calories when you exercise. Conversely, reduce your intake when you’re not exercising. This is because the level of strength and endurance will be better when you get calorie and carbohydrate intake while exercising.

In order to get optimal results, you also have to do this activity consistently.

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